Saturday 7 December 2013

Audio Recording of the Radcliffe Community Meeting: Thurs, 5th Dec 2013

For those of you who were unable to attend Thursday's Radcliffe Community meeting, we have made the audio available for you here. We know that many of you were unable to attend due to the bedtime routine and so we wanted to share the information that we discussed with you.

Please accept our apologies for the slight delay in making this available. We have had a rather a lot to do, and today I must admit I took a few hours off as it is my birthday. Normal service will be resumed tomorrow when I am little older and wiser.

Thank you for your patience.


  1. Excellent way to archive this meeting! Keep up up the good work.

  2. You are very welcome Michael. We are trying to be as honest and transparent about our activities as we possibly can, particularly as we want make these materials readily accessible to the members of our local community.
