Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Rushcliffe Borough Council Plan was adopted at last night's Council Meeting. Now we have to wait and see what impact this is going to have upon our village.

They released the following statement on their Facebook page this morning. 
"At the Council meeting held yesterday evening (22 December), Rushcliffe Borough Council formally adopted the Local Plan Core Strategy. This is the key policy document that sets out where development is permitted over the next 14 years.
Most significantly, the Core Strategy proposes a new development of 2,500 homes (with up to a further 1,500 homes beyond the plan period) and employment on land east of Gamston/ north of Tollerton; 3,000 new homes and employment land in Clifton and 1500 new homes in Edwalton near Sharphill Wood. All of these sites also have provision for retail and community facilities. In total, the Council is making provision for 13,150 new homes by 2028.

Council Leader, Councillor Neil Clarke said: “Last night was a significant step for Rushcliffe. Adopting the Local Plan Core Strategy was a very important, but very difficult decision, for the Council. We know that not everyone will be happy with the outcome. However, as community leaders, we have a responsibility to the whole Borough to bring about positive growth. We want people to enjoy living and working in our wonderful area. However, we need to do this whilst protecting the area’s unique identity and characteristics. We also want to boost economic prosperity. This in turn will safeguard the future of the Borough for generations to come. Finally, it is important we maintain our standing as one of the most desirable places to live in the country.

The Local Plan Core Strategy is an ambitious one which will see over 13,000 new homes and over 50 hectares of new employment land developed before 2028. Developers are already preparing planning applications for the identified sites and, having a sound plan in place, will ensure that development can be influenced and shaped by the Council.”
On Twitter, they have just shared the following update.

Maybe the information provided there will offer less by way of PR speak and more in terms of clear answers about what this will mean for our community at Radcliffe on Trent.
Let's hope...

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