Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Rushcliffe Borough Council Plan was adopted at last night's Council Meeting. Now we have to wait and see what impact this is going to have upon our village.

They released the following statement on their Facebook page this morning. 
"At the Council meeting held yesterday evening (22 December), Rushcliffe Borough Council formally adopted the Local Plan Core Strategy. This is the key policy document that sets out where development is permitted over the next 14 years.
Most significantly, the Core Strategy proposes a new development of 2,500 homes (with up to a further 1,500 homes beyond the plan period) and employment on land east of Gamston/ north of Tollerton; 3,000 new homes and employment land in Clifton and 1500 new homes in Edwalton near Sharphill Wood. All of these sites also have provision for retail and community facilities. In total, the Council is making provision for 13,150 new homes by 2028.

Council Leader, Councillor Neil Clarke said: “Last night was a significant step for Rushcliffe. Adopting the Local Plan Core Strategy was a very important, but very difficult decision, for the Council. We know that not everyone will be happy with the outcome. However, as community leaders, we have a responsibility to the whole Borough to bring about positive growth. We want people to enjoy living and working in our wonderful area. However, we need to do this whilst protecting the area’s unique identity and characteristics. We also want to boost economic prosperity. This in turn will safeguard the future of the Borough for generations to come. Finally, it is important we maintain our standing as one of the most desirable places to live in the country.

The Local Plan Core Strategy is an ambitious one which will see over 13,000 new homes and over 50 hectares of new employment land developed before 2028. Developers are already preparing planning applications for the identified sites and, having a sound plan in place, will ensure that development can be influenced and shaped by the Council.”
On Twitter, they have just shared the following update.

Maybe the information provided there will offer less by way of PR speak and more in terms of clear answers about what this will mean for our community at Radcliffe on Trent.
Let's hope...

Thursday, 18 December 2014

South Nottinghamshire Academy Planning Application Permitted With Conditions

This morning, we have received notification of the planning application being permitted with conditions relating to the:

Replacement of the current South Nottinghamshire Academy site with a new three story school building; provision of new pedestrian and vehicular access; soft and hard play areas and associated landscaping and making good of the site, generally, post demolition (phased demolition of all building except sports hall).

You can read the full details here: https://planningon-line.rushcliffe.gov.uk/online-applications/files/5611AA0EF9C3EF8C0E270F3DD66975A0/pdf/14_01813_FUL--712613.pdf

Or these can be found on Rushcliffe Borough Council's website here: 

Using planning reference 14/01813/FUL

Friday, 10 October 2014

Radcliffe on Trent Swimming Pool - October 2014 As of today, Friday 10th October, there are just 22 days until our village pool is due to have its water drained for the last time, before the South Nottinghamshire Academy re-build commences. Having received no support from our Parish and Borough Councils, since we all found out about the likely closure last December 2013, the Save Radcliffe Pool Group reported in the summer that they had done all they could on behalf of the community to attempt to keep our 41 year old village pool. This week, one of our group was advised that the planning application, to include the pool demolition, has been supported by the Parish Council. There was only one parish councillor, John Thorn, who voted against the plans; due to concerns about traffic on Cropwell Road and demolishing the Pool and comments were made at the time as to whether the building could be moved to save the pool. Cllr Thorn then emailed Cllr Neil Clarke at Rushcliffe Borough Council to ask if any pressure could be put on the proposers for a small shift in the footprint of the build to avoid the swimming pool. Now they are going for a three story building rather than two, could the pool be saved for both school and community use? .... something both Kay Cutts and Ken Clarke had commented to concerned residents about previously. This has always been the Save Radcliffe Pool Group's arguement and it now appears that the Parish Council members are agreeing with us. It is particularly relevant for reconsideration by the Borough Council, given it would seem that the footprint of the new build is now significantly reduced. Following John Thorn's email, some of the Group have also made contact with Cllr Clarke for one last ditch attempt to try to save the pool. We know that SNA are worried about the cost of running the pool if it remains but our group has looked into this and there are examples of local communities taking over the running of community pools, Wirksworth in Derbyshire being one example. This is a charitable trust run by a Board of Trustees and was financially supported in its early days by their local council. It now supports itself. Building Proposal Documents can be viewed via the Rushcliffe Borough Council Website - http://www.document1.co.uk/blueprint/Documents.asp Acpt=912956037&CaseId=1401813&CaseNo=14/01813/FUL. Neil Clarke can be emailed via Cllr.NClarke@rushcliffe.gov.uk.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Campaign to Preserve Wrap Around Childcare in Radcliffe

It's been a while since we have had anything to report and we are still waiting to hear on any decision surrounding the future of our Greenbelt around Radciffe on Trent.

However, it would seem that another cause has emerged as a concern for our community and particularly for those with families. The Radcliffe Out of School Club are facing an uncertain future surrounding the provision of wrap around childcare for the children of Radcliffe on Trent.

Currently our Out of School Club is sited at Radcliffe on Trent Junior School, however due to the increase in children needing a place at the School for this coming academic year, the Junior School have had no choice but to reclaim that space as a teaching classroom. A site is still being sought, but as yet nothing has been secured beyond October 2014. This leaves many parents who are reliant on the facility with no ongoing childcare for the future. The childminders of the village have finite spaces and are guided by strict and legally binding childcare rations, which has left many without a space from October this year. This is a real concern and worry for those with work commitments.

A campaign has been started by one of our community members, you can lend support to the campaign by signing the petition here: http://bit.ly/RadChildcare

Friday, 11 April 2014

Response from Kenneth Clarke re: Radcliffe's Swimming Pool

The Save Radcliffe Pool group met Kenneth Clarke on Saturday 22nd March 2014.

He commented, like Cllr Cutts had done previously, that he couldn't see why the building could not be moved a few metres to stay clear of the pool, however he thought there was little chance of financial support from RBC. He offered to speak to Mr Gove to get assurance that our campaign to save the pool will not jeopardise SNA's rebuild.

After our meeting, Mr Clarke contacted SNA directly to talk to them about our concerns and sent us the following response:

'Thank you very much for coming to see me about the problem of the future of the swimming pool at the South Notts Academy in Radcliffe on Trent. Obviously everybody wants the new school built and it is difficult for the Member of Parliament to play much part in the decision about the grants available, the finances of the Academy and their future plans for the school's development. I have taken up the points you discussed with me with the school and I will go on to take it up with the Secretary of State for Education if their arguments raise issues with which he might be persuaded to be helpful. I will also see if the Borough Council is prepared to contemplate having a hand in maintaining a pool in Radcliffe, although I have no control over them, and they face very practical difficulties over their leisure centre policy.'

We will keep in touch with Kenneth Clarke, particularly around the time when SNA are going to submit their plans to Rushcliffe Borough Council (possibly June/July 2014). In the mean time we will be staying in close contact with SNA to keep in the loop with progress on the procurement stage of the rebuild and ask to be involved with any feasibility study meetings that the village's leisure committee had suggested take place. The planning stage may naturally fall behind schedule as these processes tend to do, regardless of any issues that we happen to be facing.  The Save Radcliffe Pool group will also continue to investigate future management and funding of the pool if it were to be saved.

Thank you to all those that signed the Save Radcliffe Pool Petition

We have busy been inputting all the email addresses given by the 948 signatures on our petition (about a third of the signatures included this information) and this week sent a thank you email out to all those people. We would like to thank you all, as follows:

Save the Radcliffe Pool Group thank you for signing our petition. We raised over 900 signatures in only a few weeks, demonstrating the support for keeping the existing pool in Radcliffe. This is around 10% of the population of Radcliffe.

The petition was submitted to Rushcliffe Borough Council on 6th March. They have replied to say they are unable to support our campaign. After speaking to one of Radcliffe on Trent's Borough councillors Eddie Fearon, we understand that part of the reason for this is that the Borough council strategy is to reduce the pools in Rushcliffe Borough to just 2 due to financial constraints. This is apparently in line with government guidelines. Nb. See pg 4 Rushcliffe News Spring 2014, just out.

Also it appears Rushcliffe Borough Council would be concerned about any additional leisure facilities in Radcliffe as it would take money away from other leisure providers in Rushcliffe Borough such as Bingham, Keyworth, Cotgrave or West Bridgford. We do not feel this is fair to Radcliffe residents who will have to travel to nearby pools if the closure goes ahead.

The Radcliffe Community Plan for which you submitted a questionnaire this year has highlighted that the people of Radcliffe wanted more leisure facilities not less.

If saved the Radcliffe pool cannot survive into the future without additional funding as the South Notts Academy are clear they can no longer support the running costs. Therefore we are currently looking elsewhere for financial support. If you have any expertise in the area of fund raising for major projects or would like to get involved please contact us.

The next stage, is for the planning application, to rebuild the South Notts Academy (without the pool) to come up for public consultation-probably in June/July. Please make your views felt at this time as you can make a difference. We will notify you of the date when we have it.

All current information about the pool can be found on https://www.facebook.com/SaveRadcliffeSwimmingPool and  radcliffecommunity.blogspot.co.uk.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Update from Save Radcliffe Pool - March 2014

March has been a mixed month for our campaign, starting with our presentation of the 948 signature petition to RBC's Council Meeting on the 6th March and culminating in a visit to Kenneth Clarke's surgery on Saturday 22nd March 2014. 

Kenneth Clark commented, like Cllr Cutts had done previously, that he couldn't see why the building could not be moved a few metres to stay clear of the pool. However, he thought there was little chance of financial support from Rushcliffe Borough Council but offered to speak to Michael Gove to get assurance that our campaign to save the pool will not jeopardise SNA's rebuild. 

On the morning of his surgery, our group received the official response from the RBC Chief Executive who advised RBC 'cannot make a financial commitment to support retaining the facility, but I am hopeful we can assist it identifying opportunities that might help achieve the petition's aspiration.'

Earlier that week, on Tuesday 18th March 2014 Radcliffe's first leisure committee meeting took place, with some parish and borough councillors present as well as representatives from the Residents Association, SNA, ROTSPA and Save Radcliffe Pool Group. The Parish Councillors started the meeting on the understanding that we all supported the proposal of new pool, however, the Save Radcliffe Pool group explained that they have not given up hope of saving the pool.

Eddy Fearon repeated what he had said at the petition submission in early March that the Borough Council are unable to support either saving the existing pool or 
building a new one and will not support a leisure centre in Radcliffe due to the perceived detrimental impact on other leisure facilities in Rushcliffe. There will be no money from Rushcliffe Borough council, as they are trying to close pools not open them, but he offered borough council input to look at funding options for a new pool.

The key question from ROTSPA and Save Radcliffe Pool group was is there actually any land for a new pool? Without land there is little point in moving forward with the committee. ROTSPA recommended a feasibility survey should take place to assess the possibility of building a new pool where SNA may offer land. SNA's Board of Governor's will contact RBC's Planning department to visit the site and make some observations of suitability for a pool and speak to a representative of Academy Trust about whether leasing land from the Trust is possible.

There was discussion about the cost of a new boiler and associated buildings that would be required if the existing pool could be saved. The meeting also discussed car parking and advised that any pool on the site would need to pay for its own parking. ROTSPA offered the possibility of funding to pay for a feasibility survey and Save Radcliffe Pool Group fed back briefly some options Carl Towner had suggested following his experience of setting up The Lenton Centre in Nottingham.

All agreed this group does not currently have a common purpose.
In the mean time, SNA's Chair Of Governor's committed to contacting RBC re: planned visit to school. School to update community of timescales from DfE for new build, SNA to ask if interested parties i.e. Save Radcliffe Pool, can be invited to any future meetings about new build and SNA to follow up with ROTSPA about i.e. how long pool can stay open.

Having recently lost two of our members, who we must thank for their time and efforts with the petition in January and February, we now require some more of the community to help with the project of researching funding/grants. Those left in the group have limited time available and so any other offers of help will be much appreciated, otherwise there may not be enough time to find out this information before the June/July planning processes in the summer. 

We look forward to hearing from some of you very soon!

Monday, 17 March 2014

Councillor Eddie Fearon sets his leisure agenda

Councillor Eddie Fearon approached members of the Save Radcliffe Pool group on Thursday 5th March at the RBC Council Meeting, before they were due to submit the petition on behalf of Radcliffe community. 

He had been investigating the cost of building a new leisure centre, which he said some of his constituents were asking for in Radcliffe on Trent. He had been advised that a new leisure centre would cost at least £2.2m. He was very clear that he could not support a leisure centre in Radcliffe on Trent because it would compromise the viability of the other leisure centres in the borough. Any new leisure centre would take custom away from the other sites and make them less viable.

The Save Radcliffe Pool group suggested that his comments added weight to saving the current leisure facilities already in place in the village. 

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Petition speech to Council Meeting at RBC - 6th March 2014

Following the Radcliffe on Trent Parish Council Open Meeting in early February, the Save Radcliffe Pool group has met twice. At our first meeting, the group felt strongly that the community were not given the opportunity at the Open Meeting to discuss ways to save the pool; after initially being allowed time to express our views we were told that we should forget about saving the pool and look to start fundraising for a new one. 

However, we are not confident that the offer of land which Kay Cutts thought she had secured will come to fruition and, having compared the figures for keeping the current pool and building a new one, we believe our best chance of having a pool in the village is to find ways to keep the current pool.

We therefore agreed to continue our efforts, until all options had been exhausted and decided that the best place to submit our petition was to Rushcliffe Borough Council, who are in charge of leisure facilities in our borough.

On Thursday 6th March 2014 we were invited to submit our petition to the Council Meeting at Rushcliffe Borough Council Civic Centre. One of our group was allowed to speak for 5 minutes about our campaign before the petition was handed over. 

Here is the speech in full.

I am representing the views of the Radcliffe on Trent community on behalf of the Save Radcliffe Pool group, which was formed spontaneously following publication on 20 December 2013 of the South Nottinghamshire Academy's plan to close the community swimming pool as part of their much needed rebuild.
Our aims were:
a)   to explore how many others in the community feel as we do by the use of a petition, and
b)   to raise awareness of the circumstances surrounding the decision.
Our objectives to the pool closure have been
a)   to demonstrate the support in the community
b)   to encourage SNA to reconsider the closure of the pool, and
c)    to search for funding and seek alternatives to the current management of a pool in Radcliffe .
The Reasons for Objection are:
a)   Community involvement with fund raising for the original build 40+ years ago and since then the voluntary investment as lifeguards, assistants and trainers,
b)   Impact of losing life saving expertise in the area,
c)    Need/demand for leisure facilities in the village
d)   Negative impact on health and well-being of residents, as well as
e)   Consequences on hundreds of families who currently use the pool to learn to swim or to keep fit/socialise.

We are asking support from RBC, in advance of the planning processes in June/July, to ask the Education Funding Agency, DfE and SNA to:
  • Reconsider the location of the rebuild, to leave the pool in place, by, for example a) finding the money for temporary classrooms (between £200-500k) or b) looking again at a 3 storey design
  • Allow community access to the pool whilst ensuring safeguarding, and
  • Give the residents time to search for funding and seek alternative commercial or charitable management of the facility. This includes a potential request to RBC for annual grant funding towards on-going running costs incurred by ROTSPA, the registered charity which has run and managed the pool for many years whilst most of the costs have been met by SNA.

The petition has shown considerable support for a pool in Radcliffe on Trent, as within only two months we have gathered 948 signatures, including around 10% of the village’s population. Interestingly, 16% of the signatures are from outside of the village, some saying that they choose to swim because of the pool’s temperature, cleanliness and teachers after being unhappy with standards at other neighbouring pools.

Our investigations show that the pool would only need around £100k investment initially and then estimated at circa £50k per annum to break even which is much more realistic than starting again and having to raise £2m+ for a new pool. The likelihood of being able to build another such facility in the village would be slim. Initial suggestions that land has been secured on the new SNA site are still to be confirmed.

In light of RBC’s on-going review of the provision of leisure facilities in the Borough, maintaining the existing pool in Radcliffe and providing limited funding towards its running costs would represent a very small amount of the future leisure costs for the borough, being much smaller running costs currently associated with other pools in the area. 

This would also help to redress the imbalance in funding for leisure facilities provided to Radcliffe residents over the 40 years of Rushcliffe’s existence compared with the significant sums incurred on expenditure in comparable sized locations such as Bingham, East Leake, Keyworth and Cotgrave, not to mention the disproportionate element of spending in West Bridgford.

Our community feel strongly that it is such a waste of a very good facility and some initial preliminary findings of the Radcliffe Community Plan Questionnaire indicate that residents are already asking for more rather than fewer leisure facilities in the village.
We would strongly urge RBC to review their funding of leisure facilities, to recognise that Radcliffe deserves a fairer share of the facilities across the borough. If we could gain regular financial support from RBC, we would be in a stronger position to show SNA that we could maintain this facility in the future.

Another way that RBC could show commitment to the village is to step forward and offer the £200-500k needed for temporary classrooms, which the DfE is not prepared to pay, hence why the pool gets knocked down because it will not cost them a penny to do so compared to other options.

We really appreciate being given the opportunity this evening, to tell you about our cause, and look forward to hearing from you in response to our petition very soon.

We have been advised that the chief executive will write to us in the near future responding to the petition. We will update you as soon as we hear more!

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Minutes from Open Meeting 5th February 2014

Public Open Meeting: Radcliffe on Trent Pool Closure
7pm Grange Hall, 5th February 2014
Minutes of Meeting
In Attendance
Radcliffe on Trent Parish Council
Cllr David Smith – Chairman
Cllr Roger Upton – Vice Chairman
Jacki Grice – Parish Clerk

Rushcliffe Borough Council
Cllr Eddie Fearon
Cllr Neil Clarke MBE

Nottinghamshire County Council
Cllr Kay Cutts MBE
South Nottinghamshire Academy
Andrew George – Principal
Dan Philpotts – Head of Academy
Deborah Giles – Chair of Governors

Radcliffe on Trent Swimming Pool Association
Ian Torr – Trustee
Peter Clarke – Management Committee

Approx. 100 residents including some members of the Radcliffe on Trent Parish Council and the
 Save Radcliffe Pool Group

1.     The Chairman of the Parish Council welcomed all to the meeting and advised that it was an open public meeting and not a formal Parish Council meeting. Residents were introduced to representatives of relevant bodies present and the agenda for the meeting.
South Nottinghamshire Academy
2.     An overview was provided of the complex process of the proposed new school build. The school has been working with the Department for Education since October 2013 on the viability of the different layouts considered and the potential impacts each option would bring.

3.     The Government funded 'Priority Schools Building Programme' (which superseded the 'Building Schools for the Future Programme') remit is to prioritise buildings which are in disrepair with new basic but fit for purpose buildings. The previous programme funded bespoke designed schools, but this is no longer available under the current Government.
8 schools in the East Midlands have planned new builds and the contract is currently out to European tender handled by the DfE.
The approved contractor will then work with SNA on firm plans expected to be in place by summer 2014 for a September build start which will take approximately 18 months. 

4.     The two storey scheme chosen means the pool will have to be demolished. Three potential build options were considered and the complexities of the site already means that the project is ½ million pounds over budget.  Alternative schemes explored which kept the pool in place highlighted the following issues:
·       ½ million pound penalty included in the funding for the artificial pitch from the Football Foundation. This penalty would have to be incurred from the build budget if the new build is sited on the pitches.
·       If the school was located where the artificial pitch is, this would be in too close proximity to the A52.
·       Existing classroom blocks would be lost to make room for the new build, meaning temporary classrooms would be required. This additional cost would again have to be incurred from funds intended for the new build which is already modest as there is a need for a lot of space to be multi use.
·       The funding bid is based on accommodating 750 pupils and there are specific financial entitlements within funding costs available.
·       Access, site security and safeguarding issues

5.     The Governors ratified the difficult decision by the SNA and the DfE for the two storey Option C+ which will ensure that the educational needs of the pupils is not compromised as it is the only suitable scheme within budgetary constraints ensuring that the Academy can still operate during the build process.

6.     The historical relationship between the school and ROTPSA was advised. Noting that the pool was built by public subscription and in 1973 a lease agreement was formed with the County Council and ROTSPA and this agreement expired in 2011. The school became an Academy Trust but the relationship continues via informal contractual arrangements. The School has always financially supported the running of pool and overall running costs currently stand at around £50-£60k per annum.

                  Radcliffe on Trent Swimming Pool Association
7.     The organisation advised that they did apply for a lease extension in 2011 but it was deferred at that time. Current income levels from swim sessions and other income sources is approx. £24k per annum.  Current levels of usage per week =
·       66 adults
·       16 juniors
·       24 under 5's
·       200 (private session swims)
·       Plus school use ( 5 hours a week)
8.     ROTSPA is a group of volunteers and does not feel it has the management expertise or resources to run this or any other pool on a viable commercial basis. Since advised of the schools plans in Dec 2013 income is already compromised as pre-bookings for later dates cannot be taken with confidence.
It is clear that significant capital maintenance to extend the service life of the pool if it were to remain would be in excess of £120k.

Save Radcliffe Pool Group
9.     The group currently has 8 members and was formed on 20th December 2013 upon hearing about the proposed pool closure. The group feels that the pool is an essential asset to the community as Radcliffe on Trent is in such close proximity to the River Trent.
Aims and Objectives of the Group
        - Explore community support (800 residents have signed a petition so far)
- Raise Awareness
- Seek SNA to re-consider the pool closure
- Seek an alternative

10.   The Group very much supports the new school build and has listened to the difficulties expressed by SNA but noted the potential housing growth in the village, which if it goes ahead would mean that more facilities are needed. The results of the Community Plan is also expected to highlight a growing demand for more leisure and recreational facilities. The view of the group is to save existing facilities, not to lose them.
Question & Answer Session
11.   Residents were invited to speak and ask questions, the following issues were highlighted:

12.   Swimming on the school curriculumThe school has no plans to change the swimming model even though it is not compulsory. There is a budget of £9k for each of the next two years for health and well-being activities. Pupils would be transported to neighbouring facilities.

13.   Safeguarding IssuesThe new site layout is intended to provide  for community use and access in a designated area, making better use of the site, there is currently no opportunity for daytime access.

14.   Availability of Land – Other options within the village need exploring.

15.   Olympic LegacyThe scheme doesn't fit with the provision of community sport for all.

16.   Pressurised timeline – DfE is keen to push the build start in a rapid timeline due to Government pressures. The process started in October 2013 but due to all the complexities of the site and all the alternatives explored the final decision took until December 2013. There are concerns that any further delays may impact on the availability of the new build funding.

17.   Rushcliffe Leisure Facilities - West Bridgford Academy – No information available on their business model. Rushcliffe Pool – To be demolished for a new pool at the Arena, this was a strategic decision taken by RBC some time ago. There are currently 6 Public Swimming Pools in Rushcliffe and it was noted that the recommended ratio is actually only 2.

18.   Bingham Road Playing Fields LeaseThe School continues to work with ROTSA, there have been no decisions taken on this area of land.

19.   Compensation for Loss of Facility – In essence a legal matter

20.   Funding - Section 106 Funds from New Housing Developments – long term consideration, all depends if/when houses are built.
               -Local Authority Funding – Unlikely due to budgetary constraints already in place,
there are already viability issues with existing Leisure Centres in the Borough.

Moving Forward
21.   The practicalities of keeping the existing pool is an obvious issue.
Matters to consider:
·       Compensation from SNA by way of land for community use made available within new build scheme (would it accommodate a new pool? Confirmation of available land yet to be determined?)
·       Is there any other areas of available land in the village?
·       Capital funding and running costs? Length of time to bid and receive funding?
·       Who would fund? Sport England is oversubscribed and Rushcliffe already exceeds the Swimming Pool ratio?
·       Steering Group to be set up to look into feasibility and exploration of all options?
·       Analyse results of the Community Plan, public demand for pool and or other leisure facilities?
·       Public referendum, public subscriptions?
·       What would be the capital cost of a replacement pool?

22.    ROTSPA were thanked for all their hard work operating the pool on a voluntary basis for the
 past 40 years.
23.   All present were asked to leave their contact details with the Parish Clerk if they wished to
                 be part of a Working Group to look into the feasibility, funding streams and investigations of
                 alternatives for a pool/leisure facilities in the village. The Parish Clerk would contact those interested
                 in due course to set up an initial meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.